Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The legend of Oga's namahage (English version)

This story is written based on my visit to Oga city last Sunday, 15 February 2015.

Welcome to Oga city. Oga is the birthplace of the Namahage legend. That is why, in the main entrance of this city, they built two giant Namahage statues.
Welcome to Oga...
In my previous post about Namahage, i told you that there were two kind of Namahage, but you know what? i was wrong hahaha. I just found out that actually there are 150 different types of Namahage masks hihihi. So much different from my first knowledge right? :p In Namahage Seizoroi (Namahage Exhibit), i saw more than 110 types of Namahage's masks. They created the statues so realistic, i was totally amazed by their masterpieces. Here are some Namahage's model taken by my camera.

Some of the mask, looks so funny, but some looks sooo scary. The only thing that make me uncomfortable with this exhibition that they rolled on Namahage's voice (which is so loud and scary for me :p).

In Namahage costume booth, we can change into Namahage as well, the staff member will help us if we want to take pictures in Namahage costume. My friend, Darwin tried the costume. Free of charge for this booth.

Throughout the New Year's Eve by Japan's calendar, there was a ritual known of its old and important folk-cultural event, Namahage. Namahage, played by young men in masks and traditional straw garments, make the rounds of house in their village. They burst into these houses searching for new community members such as young wives and children. In an inimitable throaty scream, The Namahage encourage and order these newcomers to work and study hard, and obey their parents or in-law. Other household members 'protect' their relatives, assuring the namahage that they are good people. The Namahage are then offered with sake and some food. There are several theories about the precise meaning of this ritual, but one common theory is that this ritual welcomes powerful deities who in turn bring good luck in the new year.

In this Namahage's center, there is a house where we can witness the ritual in a role play. I went there to watch the ritual. It was sooo scary for me.. Not the mask, but the voice of that Namahage and the way they open or close the door and hit the wall with a loud voice (brrrr...)

Detailed Ritual :

Sakidachi ( a man who helps the namahage as they visit villager's homes) calls on each house to make sure that the family member isn't mourning or coping with a serious illness. He also asks if the family just giving birth to a baby this year. If any of those things have happened in the past year, the Sakidachi and Namahage will find another house. If nothing has happened, he will ask if the Namahage may enter. With the permission, several Namahage enter the house. The Namahage stomp around the house, and eventually settle down near the fireplace, where some food and sake served for them. 

Namahage begin to talk and ask about the harvest and the health of the older member of the family. The Namahage then inquire about whether or not the older members are being adequately cared by the younger members, and ask if everyone in the family worked or studied hard in the passing year. They warned the head of the family, that they would be very angry if someone in this family was lazy and disobedient. The head of the family tells the Namahage that everyone in the family worked very hard and he ask Namahage to bless their harvest in the coming year.One of Namahage then realized that the head of the family didnt tell the truth, and one Namahage open a book and examine it.  Since the Namahage can see all that happens in the village from the top of the mountain, they record all the things that people did in this secret book. The Namahage raises their voice (this one that makes me scared) and decide that they will take their lazy children and their mother to the mountain. The head of the family apologizes, and tries to calm the Namahage by giving them more food and sake because he doesnt want his family taken by Namahage.  He begs the Namahage and promises to do his utmost to improve the attitudes of both his children and his wife. Finally, the namahage believe that the head of the family will work hard to improve the attitudes of his family. Namahage instruct the head of the family to call the Namahage back anytime (by clapping his hand three times while facing the mountain) just in case the children and his wife do not listen to him.

In Oga, Namahages are believed to chase away bad luck and evil spirits with their loud voices and noisy actions.

inside the house, when the Namahage came

he stomp with a very loud voice

thats their secret book

if you want to see the ritual, you can see here :

I was lucky, because on that day, they offered free ticket to enjoy both, namahage exhibition and Namahage house. The free ticket given at 4 o'clock.
And besides that, at 6.30, i watched Namahage Festival. The festival begins with the ritual where man transformed into Namahage. This is followed by the mini drama about the ritual. Finally, fifteen Namahage march down from the mountain and approached all the audiences, especially children, it was the climax of the day. I was shocked, petrified yet anxious with this ritual.

Transformation ritual


when they came from the mountain

last performance of Namahage

relieved that finally i can leave that place hahahaha

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

kamihinokinai festival

Salah satu festival yang menjadi ciri khas di AKITA.

Kamihinokinai Festival.

Lokasi dari festival ini di Semboku City, Akita.
Dalam festival ini, 100 balon kertas diterbangkan ke udara.
Yang penasaran kaya apa festivalnya, bisa klik link ini :


 Nah, berdasarkan informasi dari staff kampus yang mengantar kami ke festival ini kemarin, ada beberapa fakta mengenai festival ini:

1. Festival ini diadakan setahun sekali setiap tanggal 10 Februari jam 6 sore sampai kira-kira jam 8.30, sebagai ungkapan doa agar berkat turun di sepanjang tahun, terutama dalam hal panen dan kesejahteraan hidup. Tapi seiring berkembangnya waktu banyak yang berdoa juga untuk hal-hal lain, seperti persiapan ujian, keselamatan di jalan, atau kaya saya, punya harapan sendiri tentang keluarga saya untuk dapat segera ke Akita.

2. Balon yang terbuat dari kertas dan mencapai ketinggian 8 meter ini dengan menggunakan api sebagai pemicunya sehingga uap panas akan mendorong balon untuk terbang ke atas.

3. Kebanyakan balon kertas bergambar samurai atau wanita cantik, ada juga balon yang berisi tulisan dari orang-orang yang hadir sebagai doa mereka di tahun ini. Ada juga edisi anak-anak, jadi gambarnya gambar kartun dan anak-anak sendiri yang akan membantu balon kertas agar dapat terbang (foto-fotonya ada di bawah).

4. Saat festival, banyak sekali pedagang yang menjual aneka makanan dengan harga relatif murah, kisaran 100 yen - 600 yen. Cocok banget, karena area festival ini akan sangat dingiiiinn sekali, jadi enaknya emang sambil jajan hehehe.

Berikut foto-foto yang saya berhasil dapatkan :
api unggun di tengah2 supaya hangat

gulali juga ada 200 yen

sate juga ada :D 100-200 yen

ini 100 yen. Strawberry fondue,enak banget

Doanya saya hehehe, teteup yaaa

300 yen, ngebayanginnya kaya bakwan malang ealah jauh banget rasanya hehehe

paper balloon isi doa-doa kita sudah terbaaanngg

edisi anak-anak

mungil-mungil ngerumunin balonnya
Tips kalau mau kemari : Pakai baju yang ekstra tebel, kalau perlu bawa kaos kaki dan gloves cadangan, dinginnya ampun2 soalnyaaa

Kakunodate in Winter

10 Februari 2015

Pertama kalinya buat saya mengunjungi Kakunodate.
Kakunodate adalah sebuah kota yang terletak di Akita prefecture. Banyak yang bilang kalau Kakunodate ini Little Kyotonya Jepang, karena sebetulnya kota ini seperti versi mini nya Kyoto, dengan banyaknya rumah-rumah tradisional khas Jepang dan juga area ini juga dikenal sebagai kawasan rumah samurai. Sepanjang jalan banyak sekali pohon-pohon yang nantinya pada musim semi akan berkemaran, sehingga kota ini akan tampak cantiiikk sekali, dengan sakura bermekaran dan perumahan yang tradisional.

Saya sendiri berkesempatan melihat kota ini di saat musim salju, entah karena saat itu bukan musim libur, atau memang karena cuacanya sangat tidak bersahabat, jadi Kakunodate terlihat sangaaatt sepi. Di sepanjang jalan, beberapa 'warung' yang menjual makanan khas daerah Akita, dari bumbu miso beraneka rasa hingga ke snack2 berupa kacang-kacangan. Saya sempet nyicip sih, oh ya walaupun kita ga jadi beli, cuma cicip2 doang, pedagangnya ga ngambek lho hihihi padahal hampir semua yang ditawarin suruh coba, ya kita coba :D

Beberapa rumah yang ada bisa kita masuki. Ada yang bayar, ada juga yang gratis. Kebanyakan bayar sih. Kisaran 300-500 yen per orang. Kalau yang gratis, biasanya berupa rumah tradisional Jepang. Kalau yang bayar sepertinya rumah samurai (saya sendiri belum masuk, nanti mungkin lain kesempatan)

Kakunodate sangat terkenal terutama di musim spring, paling ramai untuk kegiatan hanami dan cherry blossom viewing. Noted that, jadi nanti saat musim semi wajib kemari lagi. Musim salju, membuat kota ini terlihat jadi angker hehehe. Semua serba hitam putih dan misterius.

Berikut foto-foto yang saya sempat abadikan di Kakunodate saat musim salju. (Untuk musim lainnya, menyusul yaa)

salah satu 'warung' yang kami datangi. lmyn dapat banyak tester :p

bener kan keliatannya misterius gitu hihi

misonya rasa lemon, asemm :p

bayangin, nanti pas spring jalanan ini bakal penuh dengan warna pink sakura, pasti cantiiikk

Ini isi dari rumah tradisional yang saya masukkin

Dapur jaman dulu

Put Kakunodate for my next destination for the spring season. :)

Ini sedikit bocoran Kakunodate saat spring: